From the motion i
will give you positive and negative argument about this motion. (i’m
sorry my english so bad)
As we know now so many reality program
talent show. From singing program, miss universe, until preacher’s
program. It’s so dificult for us to give vote one by
one from viewer manually. And viewer want to give their vote for their
idol on that talent show. So organizer cooperate with provider’s
operator to provide convenience to the audience to give their vote to
their idol by sending sort message. But it didn’t escape the positive
and negative impacts to the supporters and organizers. The positive
impact of voting system is
1. Give Benefit to Operator
Voting system in Indonesia, mostly using sms. Everyone is free to give
as much support to their idol contestants. But the sms rates to support
it is not cheap. It is very expensive. With premium SMS rates,
Rp.2200/sms. With 50% of the gain operator then this is a huge advantage
for the organizers. Each audience would want to be a winner of his
idol, then they simply continue to send the sms to support his idol. One
person can send sms decades overnight, try to imagine how many
supportes send sms that their idol not eliminated from talent show. For
example from 10 contestants their have one supporter, and their
supporter send one sms for vote their idol. So, we get 10 sms from
supporter, 50% for provider and 50% for organizer. A sms we get Rp.1000,
so organizer get Rp.10.000 from 10 supporter.
2. Audience can Choose The Winner which they want.
From the event talent show their provide give facilities for the
audience to support her idol by sending sms. After we watch our idol
appearance on television we can send as many sms-much so that our idols
are not eliminated from the talent show event. Indirectly audience that
determine who will be the winner in the show is taken from a talent show
who has the most to get sms’s polling of viewers at home.
example i love Fathin Sidqia on talent Show X-Factor, everyweek i watch
television for watching performance fathin on television. I love
performance fathin Sidqia so much, and i won’t Fathin eliminated from
X-Factor. So i send sms for vote Fathin and inderectly i and other fans
choose Fathin to be a winner on X-Factor.
3. Increase Contestant’s Spirit
In talent show in Indonesia audience can voting their idol anytime,
anywhere. Contestant’s can eliminated by the lowest voting sms their
get. Because contestant’s worried get a little voting, so they try to
give best performance every their appearance. They won’t lost with
another contestant. It is can increase contestan’t spirit on every their
performance. For example, on the program talent show have 10
contestant, and everyweek they competing for get many vote from
audience. She won’t eliminated from that talent show, so fight it out
for the audience give vote to her by she get the best performance
everyweek, she give show new ideas on their performance for audience
keep voting them and she can to be a winner on that talent show program.
for example if we working in a factory, and boss appraise us, so we try
to work as closely as possible.
4. Survey how many society interest to this program and contestant
Choosing the winner in talent show by voting can survey how many
society interest to this program. if many voting for contestant in this
program, it’s mean many people watch this program. if many people watch
this program, it’s mean many people interest to this program. for
example, we sell a product, and we sell it to the market. we noticed
that many who buy the product or not. if many were purchased, meaning a
lot of people who love our products. If just a little people buy our
product, so only a few who like us product.
Because the system
of voting sms can give benefit to operator, audience can choose the
winner which they want, increase contestant’s spirit and can survey how
many society interest to this program and contestant, so we can’t
regrats the system of popular voting in talent show.
And this is the negative side from system of voting on talent show
1. incurring a debt to the family.
voting system in the talent show make contestants and their family as
hard as possible to get as much of the voting audience. this raises
cheating among the contestants. The contestants family willing to do
anything to profess their family members to be a winner in the talent
show. One of many way is free pulse to surrounding so that they give
support the contestants by sending sms. not infrequently a lot of
families who are willing to go into debt to buy and distribute pulses to
get a lot of support. it is not fair, because the rich could have been
more fortunate than the poor because they can provide more support to
the contestants by giving pulse to th other for voting the contestant.
For example we want new phone, we will working hardly to get money for
buy new handphone. But not infrequently also indebted to anyone willing
to buy a new phone.
2. Appraisement not Objectif
by voting sms
viewers at home could support anyone without the ability to know what
the talent contestants. Could have the support of a beautiful watch,
white skin, or perhaps their relatives, regardless of whether or not
they look good. This is not fair because if in the singing contest
should be judged is the voice, not the pretty or the other. For example,
we will buy new phone, so we must appraise phone by the fiture,
spesification and application phone’s has. Not just from outward
3. Usefulness of Jury
In talent show program
there is always a jury for appraise performance of contestant. But so
many in talent show use the system of voting to determined the winner.
In here the role of jury not maximum. Because in every performance,
contestant get input fro the jury and jury judges commented on the
action, but keep audience choosing who can to be a winner. whereas a
jury know deficiency and excess from contestant, whether or not the
appearance of the contestants, and jury understand more about music (in
musical events) than the audiences who judge only through physical and
most do not know about music. For example we want to make a cake, so we
must ask the expert chefs who make cakes. Not not to a tailor who can
only know the food was good or not without knowing the recipe and what
is missing from the cake.
Because system of voting can make
incurring a debt to the family, Appraisement not Objectif, Usefulness of
Jury, so we regrets the system of popular voting in talent show.
Selasa, 18 Februari 2014
According KBBI exclusivism word consists of two words, namely "exclusive" which means that apart from the others, specially, and "isms" which means understand. While KBBI states exclusivism is understanding which have a tendency to separate themselves from society. In social life would seem social class and social status in society. If someone is on the top layer, middle or bottom, and whether he was among those who were in the upper class, middle, or bottom, and it is a form of social stratification. Social stratification that shape social strata is also a subculture, has made a group in certain layers show the exclusiveness of each. Exclusivity, can be lifestyle, behavior, and also their habits are often different from one layer to another layer. The lifestyle of the upper layer will be different from the lifestyle of middle and lower layers. And from the behavior of each of its members, all of which can be distinguished. Thus, we can determine a person's social class origins. Exclusivity that is often restricts the social interaction between certain classes, they are reluctant to associate with the underlying social class or just want to hang out with the same class with them.
are several causes of exclusivism :
1. Religion
Religion is a belief
system and system
actions are followed
by individuals in their lives. As a system
of belief and action systems, religion
has placed individuals to embrace and believe in
their respective religions. In this regard religion as an absolute belief for
every adherents. Religion will be the differentiator between
individuals to one another, also between a group with other groups
of different faiths. Religion as a belief system can not be compared in which
the levels are higher and which is
lower. Therefore, religion will be seen as something
between one religion
with another religion. The
existence of religion as a belief
system has given rise to fanaticism in
his followers. Fanaticism is often cause problems
in people's lives. People often say that religion has two face. On the one hand it can unite the
various individuals with various problems that exist, but on the other hand can make people fight over religion. Often also a religious people feel
the true religion, so
often a
lot of discord among the people
due regard other
religions are wrong.
Wealth or income
Wealth and income
are two things
that closely related, when income is a lot, then wealth
will also increase. Those who are rich have a great
income and will occupy the upper class, while
those who
are income poor
and will occupy the lower class. He who has the most wealth, will occupy the top layer. Such property, for example can be seen from the house, private
car, how to dress and material types
used, habit or
way of shopping.
3. Job
Jobs in addition as a means of generating revenue, also showed that it contains
the status of the award. This type of work will determine a person's income and the public will also
award a person who
has a job. Like Karl Marx distinguishes bourgeois class as people who have
the capital and the proletariat
as the only person
who has any
power or labor. People
who have
jobs with high salary, will be more appreciated
than low-income people,
because they will
be having more
wealth than people who have small salary.
Stratified education in our society. For example, can be divided into primary education, secondary education, and higher education. People who graduated from higher education
degree is usually awarded in accordance with
such expertise. People
who have
a "title" usually
considered "well" and was to be treated
special in people's lives.
And this is the positive effect of
the presence of exclusivism
In human life there is something valuable that a limited number which serves to meet the various needs of human life. Acceptance of something that is valuable to the individual not the same, because to get it need struggle and takes effort. During in the public there is something worthwhile then during there will be a social stratification. For they who occupy the middle and lower social classes have a desire to improve their social class be the upper social class and middle class. While that which has been in the upper social class, even upper class trying to maintain what they already have. Basically every person strives to achieve social class or social standing as high. Their efforts to obtain such a position will be made by any person to prepare the next generation for the sake of a better status. For the example still growing an opinion that the civil employee would be better and more respected (albeit small salary) compared with private employee, is a proof that a person's work is still considered high and low to describe the position of a person. So many people who try and fight hard to be civil employee.
Because many people who try and fight hard to get a good job and increase spirit on society to get a better life, So exclusivism good in people's lives.
And then the negatif effect of the presence of exclusivism
People's lives-grade class will cause a gap in public life would lead to conflict and threaten the harmony of function patterns of community life. because there are layers of social measures such as wealth, power, and education. There will be differences of interests between social classes in society. then in this condition there will be a group that seeks to dominate other groups because they are in the upper class and have everything. while the older generation continues to maintain the values and the younger generation wants to make changes, then there will be a conflict in society. For example labor demonstrations demanding wage increases, illustrates the conflict between the working class entrepreneurs, student brawls, the war between villages, Promiscuity that today many young people in Indonesia do so contrary to the values of the older generation embraced. It all happened because of the gap due to social stratification and they felt he was the most correct.
All ethnic groups must have weaknesses and advantages of each. that's why
there are tribes of the earth shall know each other, interact and complement
each other in order to create social peace. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’s principles
that can be developed in the life of society, nation and state.
Contoh Format Kerangka Makalah
Contoh kerangka makalah atau contoh format penulisan makalah yang baik dan
benar secara lengkapnya bisa Anda lihat seperti yang akan dipublikasikan
berikut ini:
Pada cover makalah ini, biasanya kita isi dengan beberapa keterangan, Seperti :
tugas kelompok, judul makalah yang dibuat, nama dosen pengampu, logo universitas, serta nama dan NIM sobat (atau mungkin anggota kelompok sobat)
Daftar Isi
Pada halaman ini akan berisi tentang layout dari makalah. Berisi judul dan nomor halaman setiap uraian yang ada di makalah. Seperti:
BAB I Pembahasan
A. Dasar Cinta .................................... 5
B. Psikologi Cinta ................................ 8
C. Pacaran yang Baik .............................. 12
D. ...
Pada cover makalah ini, biasanya kita isi dengan beberapa keterangan, Seperti :
tugas kelompok, judul makalah yang dibuat, nama dosen pengampu, logo universitas, serta nama dan NIM sobat (atau mungkin anggota kelompok sobat)
Daftar Isi
Pada halaman ini akan berisi tentang layout dari makalah. Berisi judul dan nomor halaman setiap uraian yang ada di makalah. Seperti:
BAB I Pembahasan
A. Dasar Cinta .................................... 5
B. Psikologi Cinta ................................ 8
C. Pacaran yang Baik .............................. 12
D. ...
Di halaman ini, biasanya berisi kata pengantar atau salam pembuka yang umumnya berisi tentang hal dasar pemikiran kenapa JUDUL MAKALAH yang diangkat dan dibahas dalam makalah. Akan tetapi hanya sekilas yang diakhiri dengan tanda tangan pembuat makalah.
BAB I Pendahuluan
Latar Belakang (Masukan Fakta Sekarang)
Manfaat dan Tujuan Makalah.
BAB II Pembahasan
Refrensi / sumber yang terkait dengan penelitian dalam makalah sobat.
BAB III Studi Kasus
Pada bab ini kita hubungkan materi makalah yang kita bahas dengan studi kasus yang ada pada zaman sekarang ( yang anda alami saat ini). Tapi biasanya hanya beberapa dosen yang memberi perintah untuk mencantumkan studi kasus ini.
BAB IV Penutup
Kesimpulan atau hal apa yang menjadi solf problem dalam makalah
Berikan beberapa saran tentang hal terkait dalam isi makalah
Catatan dari mana saja sumber-sumber yang anda tuliskan di makalah anda
Lampiran berisi beberapa file pendukung makalah yang sudah dibahas. Biasanya berisi table, grafik, flowchart atau gambar skema.
Di halaman ini, biasanya berisi kata pengantar atau salam pembuka yang umumnya berisi tentang hal dasar pemikiran kenapa JUDUL MAKALAH yang diangkat dan dibahas dalam makalah. Akan tetapi hanya sekilas yang diakhiri dengan tanda tangan pembuat makalah.
BAB I Pendahuluan
Latar Belakang (Masukan Fakta Sekarang)
Manfaat dan Tujuan Makalah.
BAB II Pembahasan
Refrensi / sumber yang terkait dengan penelitian dalam makalah sobat.
BAB III Studi Kasus
Pada bab ini kita hubungkan materi makalah yang kita bahas dengan studi kasus yang ada pada zaman sekarang ( yang anda alami saat ini). Tapi biasanya hanya beberapa dosen yang memberi perintah untuk mencantumkan studi kasus ini.
BAB IV Penutup
Kesimpulan atau hal apa yang menjadi solf problem dalam makalah
Berikan beberapa saran tentang hal terkait dalam isi makalah
Catatan dari mana saja sumber-sumber yang anda tuliskan di makalah anda
Lampiran berisi beberapa file pendukung makalah yang sudah dibahas. Biasanya berisi table, grafik, flowchart atau gambar skema.
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